Monday, July 15, 2013

Not Dead But Not Doing Much

So I got myself a job, one that's been pulling me all over the place in terms of work times, including a bunch of holiday and weekend junk. Still, job is close by and easy enough otherwise. Haven't dedicated much time to the game design at this point. Last I was thinking was how to set up the final boss fight. I had an idea of using the cards being built up in the villain's hand as some sort of counter for attacks, or event the life of the final boss. Then I still want to completely tie together the entire game, from character creation and that starter deck to the final boss, because I'm kinda skeptical on how each part would properly play out. Course, this is best done probably through some playtesting, and to do that I need to make some cards.

Anycase, this is now a back burner project. I would like to start writing and posting ideas, if anything to keep the wheel turning, but as is it's being easily distracted that's an issue. Like always.

Probably see another post in a month, hopefully not.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

An Update for the sake of.

Posting an update because I've been making some progress on something this entire time and should mention it. 

Been working on what is a walkthrough of the game at this point. Going through each phase of the game step by step has allowed me to realize I've been missing some important shit. And some other holes as well. 

I've gotten to the end of the game, where the players are now confronted by the final villain herself, in this case (Negaverse analogue). I want to make this fight a bit more complicated than normal fights currently are, with 3 abilities decided on a d6, but will have to keep it from requiring another player to have to figure out her AI constantly in the fight. 

One thought was to use the villain's hand in the combat. Throughout the game these cards are stacking up, while being used for the plots and events on the board. But given the random nature of the cards, I could expect cards to still build up. Incorporating these into the fight in some way would be an easy to read additional mechanic for the players. 

This will have to work out on its own though, being busy and procratinaty isn't helping. Might as well stop the procrastinating. Like 8 months ago. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Totally Forgot End Game

So I just kinda noticed I really don't have anything concrete about my end game. I had a vague idea of having a villain and hero track, where the villain track would progress based on the energy drained by the plots each turn, with the track giving buffs to the villains over the period of the game. Monsters would have more health and deal more damage and lieutenants would have more abilities to affect the field. When the villains reach the end of the track, the final boss shows up and will fight the players. If the players lose, the game is over. With the hero track this was suppose to be a similar track that goes up for the players over the course of the game. When the hero track is maxed, the players get to invade the villain's headquarters and assault the final boss. Beat the boss, win the game. Lose, come back and try again later.

The problem became how does the hero track grow? Current ideas are: 1. Increase per monster death and 2. Players instead of buying cards push the track. Unlike the villain track, the hero track doesn't grant passive bonuses to the players. Those were suppose to come from the player's own cards. Defeating a monster would've awarded players with an additional action energy as well, but I think there should be more alternatives to monster rewards. Not sure what this could be either.

Last on the list are better card buying mechanics. Something a bit more complex than just an event to a card. I was thinking each event grants a certain number of buy resource which go towards a card's cost, which is dependent on it's rarity and stuff. Harder events grant more points to buy cards with. Maybe allow buys to be saved so cards could be cycled to buy.

All this just needs testing.

Back to work.

(posting 2 days after starting post)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rethinking Initiative, and gotta work on a summary

So the original idea of initiative was to track both player turn order and position to monster for targeting. This was rolled at the beginning of combat and players had to adjust from there. But if I'm going to have Fitness abilities to be able to adjust, and in such a way require certain levels of initiative, then why roll in the beginning? I could now just decide to incorporate initiative into the combat system, have spells have a penalty, maybe a kind of penalty for certain spells. But initiative was a relative position from the monster, not an absolute one, so an initiative of 1, the furthest from the monster, could still be within arm's reach, just behind the other players.

Course now this brings up the question of battlefield mobility. Since the monster targets enemies with both fixed and relative positions, players can feasibly dodge moves with something that could move them about. But do I make movement core or ability card based. I could tie it to the action energy cards, but these energy cards are an easy catch all for everything that may be too general to throw into randomly collected abilities. This means too many mechanics in one place, and that I think is bad design. Course, I should first figure out what they're currently being used for to see if I declare it overburdened.

So far Action energy is used for

  • Shuffling discard pile into the deck while out of combat and at home. 
  • Discard and draw hand while out of combat and at home.
  • Use in special attacks. 
  • Draw a card at any time during your turn, or any time while out of combat. Can be modified by different skill cards to perform this differently. 
With this in mind, I am considering having initiative being set versus randomly rolled at the beginning of combat. D&D rolled for initiative purely for turn order, and was more or less set for an entire encounter. If I have players that are suppose to be mobile, then they need to be able to dictate that movement a bit more. But then if its going to be key, then it needs to interact with the player more than just order and targeting. Namely in their abilities. But THEN that's just more restrictions on card use, and that sounds like it will narrow gameplay. 

Sitting on this more.

Another thing is I probably should get to writing a one page summary for the "about" page, cause no one is going to bother reading my mind nor my posts just to get an idea of what my game is. I think I can go with "Deck building Themed card combat board game."

Monday, March 18, 2013

Fitness Card Idea and then other junk

Finally decided fitness attacks are going to be fighting game style chain attacks. Each fitness attack ability would have a classification: light medium, heavy, jump, and knock-up. Each attack can be used on its own, or can be stacked in a certain order for bonus effects. Each attack will also have an initiative requirement to perform, and some attacks will change your current initiative.

The core of this idea is the light > medium > heavy combo concept. On their own, each attack has a base damage. When chained with the proper attack by being used in a sequence, a secondary effect takes place. For 1 star attack, its a bit of extra damage. For more advanced moves, like a leg sweep, it can disable the enemy for one move. In this case it just removes one die from the enemy's attack.

Tier 3 abilities would be like supers with a failure rate that can be mitigated with the right chain attack.

Social I think I'll create these catagories:

Enhancements: cards that buff individual abilities.

Trainers: You take time out of combat to gain ranks with a trainer. Each rank grants a new ability to use with this card.

Companions: These act like a normal ability that are played and tapped.

Instants: Played from hand spells that can happen at any time.

Items: I guess I'll need this slot if Bento heal kits are going to stay social cards.

So far I got sorcery spells for int. Played from hand. Have other cards play up that style.

Gonna go from here.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Social is just going to be Green

Easy design decision: Make social decks act like Green decks, or at least the green starter deck I got, which was a mix of powerful creatures and buff enchants. So running with that.

Monday, March 11, 2013

What to do about Social

So I had good ideas of what Fitness and Int abilities should be like. (Fitness are creatures and Int are spells). Social originally was buffs and companions, but that feels like its viability as a single color deck was shot.

Another bit was some companions were also tied to specific events, but when if a player gets the card not as a social energy build, then that card is worthless.

How about have these events grant either the companion or an equilvalent tier item. So like my military companion social card was someone that could call in a mortar strike. Others could get a weapon or attack for fitness or Int based equipment.

I need to write more down.