Thursday, November 1, 2012

Need to remember: Work first, play later.

So it's now November. 

I've been playing Guild Wars 2 really damn heavily the last month. Coupled with what was a pretty seasonal job, yea being really distracted here.

Course now that job is gone I can go back to procrastinating in other ways!

Anyway, did another rundown of the game and realized this game essentially has two phases, three with this current villain deck design, and that first phase, where the players are suppose to be going around collecting cards is COMPLETELY AIMLESS. As in the moment after you set up and decide who's going first, that player is going to go "where should I go first?" And the answer will be "I dunno," cause how are you suppose to know what you need to prepare for? Monsters don't show up till later (and should not show up until later) so that first turn is essentially aimless wandering. And aimless is a pretty detrimental goal to aim for.

So the solution is Episodes. These are goals or effects that can help the player build their deck. Goals would be like preparing for a sports festival, and to do that means gathering and fielding various fitness abilities. Reward could be an advanced card or the ability to swap the cards they gathered for other cards. Effects would be like "social event interactions cost less to perform" or "gain additional energy every time you obtain a skill card from this place." These can persist for a few turns before a new one is drawn.

The point here is to give that first turn something to aim for if they don't already have a goal in mind (like a particular deck build or theme). Because the villains don't show themselves until later, and given that's how that works in anime, I think this fills that gap between fights for something players to do.

Now that idea is down, need to really review what I already have down before moving on.

And going to try and post....maybe this Saturday.

Damn, it's Thursday already?

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