Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Initial Character Creation

Alright, I think I got something down for the game's character creation and basic stats down. I figured out how to make this energy card system work in terms of board interactions. So here's going to be v1 of my character creation concept

Character Creation
Each player character is made up of 5 stats: Fitness, Intelligence, Social, Movement, and Health/Vitality

  1. Fitness is used for physical attacks and activities. This is going to be Red energy.
  2. Intelligence is used for the magic attacks and for thinking activities. This is going to be Blue energy.
  3. Social is used for group activities and support abilities. This is going to be Green energy.
  4. Movement is for general purpose energy. This energy is used for moving around the board and drawing event cards from each location. I'm not too set on using the energy to move as well as card draw. Or use move for special movements that take you someplace other than the major hubs. This can also be considered "Time" energy, since in a way it represents what you can get done in a single turn.
  5. Health is just the number of Hit Points a player has before they get knocked out. 

 Each character type will have a certain amount of base stats and a special character ability according to their archetype.

After that they draw their transformations. Each transformation will have a theme, something that will alter abilities and additional stats to the player during combat. Like a fire themed character will say work off a burn counter on the enemy, which the player can consume for bonus damage. Or a support type class that grant benefits to the other players on certain moves.

For one I would like to create a Miku transformation based on sound abilities.

Each player has a starting deck for their character, and then starting abilities for their transformations.

Hum, maybe the energy cards should also be shuffled in, and you play them like you would in MtG.
And as a way to prevent power creep have certain events or abilities that would require them to discard energy cards to be reshuffled into the deck.
As well as saying "discard an energy card, grant automatic 1 pass count to an event" so if you really wanted to you would have to cut into your stats in order to gain potential bonuses for later in the game.

Well next up will be character building and then some thinking into how turns work.

But first, stare at the TERA buy screen some more.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Combat Mechanics

Well time to get something new down.

Right now I'm thinking of some way to make the combat more interesting than dice rolling against stats, and so far the was thinking of using a deck building concept for personal actions. But that has the problem of how do you merge it into the board game side of the game.

So I was thinking all your actions are instead based off of resource management. Each turn you have to tap movement energy to move around the board, and various stat energies to perform actions at these locations. Turns aren't really set until everyone has tapped everything they want to, in which then the global move for villains happen and everything resets for the next turn. This way combat can occur for each player without require the other players to have to wait for it to resolve, since I also want combat to allow for other players to jump in to assist. Since magical girl teams work best in groups I want to encourage a certain degree of grouping benefit.

Course then this needs to somehow play into how you gather cards, and my plan was using an Arkham Horror location based random event deck for players to advance their characters and encounter the enemy. To complete these events you would expend the right energy cards in certain stats to complete, with appropriate neutral values allowed for certain things.

But then if I want players to build stats up, it means they have more energy to do certain things, so at some point encounters have to scale as well. Which doesn't play well to the random encounter style gameplay. Or else I have some way for players to complete harder encounters and a chance or cost by having them roll the remaining costs in die. Although this will still be naturally limited by movement if I require players to remain on a spot to use an encounter, still limiting an encounter to once per round.

Well getting this down now, thinking of it more later.

Friday, April 13, 2012

This is a start

Alright. I want to get into game design, so this is a plan to try and get that started. I have a design in writing right now, and am going to use this blog as a way to keep myself on track and junk.

So my plan is to have an Arkham Horror style game with a bit more on individual character building and more elaborate combat, set to the theme of magical girls. Characters are going to be built something like Munchkin characters, where your base stats are made up of different parts with separate themes, which then influence the skills and weapons you pick up and level up your character. You explore a town rooting out evil eventually culminating in a fight against a final boss.

I still need to think about how I want the combat to work out to something that's not purely reliant on dice roll but still makes sense in a board game setting. Deck building was something that sounded interesting, but how to acquire cards has to makes sense.

Anyway, first post, back to storming.