Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Villain Work Time

Alright so I feel like I pretty much hashed out what to do for player cards, so now I'm going to start working on the villain deck. Which means finalizing villain mechanics. So time for a ton of contemplating.

Current idea: Villains have a deck of their own cards. Each card is some sort of spell, monster, minion, or other effect that can be played on the board. Each card will have its own trigger conditions of when it will be played. These essentially occur on the villain turn, but some may trigger on other in town events.

For the most part villains progress their own villain track, done when their card events resolve. The initial idea is to have villains place down in town events that continually progress the track until it is disrupted and the monster within defeated. Defeated monsters add some way for the players to perform more actions. The villain track itself strengthens enemy monsters and improves the defenses on the in town villain events. After a certain trigger is hit, such as the villain track reaching a certain value, the final boss of the villains will show up and a final battle ensues. When this enemy is beaten the game is over.

So things I need to watch out for.
1. Trigger rate on villain spawns to progress the game.
2. Properly designing the villain AI. This is done between dice and the card trigger events. The idea is to not have to require a player play the villain. Other decks might change these mechanics, but right now I'm building for a PvE model.
3. Figure out scaling. As long as players can improve over the time of the game, so to should the enemy. This may mean having the villain track continually progress, or have a secondary track to follow how many events are played. There needs to be a risk of the enemy growing too strong, and for a way for the players to lose.

Alright, time to see if I keep these things in mind while I work this out.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Well Crap

So the plan right now is to transfer my card list over to a spreadsheet so I can keep a better track of all my cards, but that's been going way too slowly. The tedium of going over old data mixed with distractions.

Well, I got the basic list down already, now I just have to move the basic items over, and then give it a once over to check for any balance or weirdness issues. Then I have to get to making that villain deck. And then board events.

Well back to work.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Been working on Special Cards

Random reminder that I need to get to finishing the deck of special ability cards.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Transformation Choices.

Transformation Choices.

Red - Fire Theme - Uses a Burn system. Attack abilities add a stack of burn on the target. Targets with burn take damage equal to the number of tokens at the end of this player's turn. Tokens stack up to 2 per target.
Fit - Attack the target for 1 damage. Add 1 burn token to the target
Int - Detonate - Deal damage equal to the number of burn tokens on the target.
Social - Defend. Reduce the incoming damage to target player by 1. Play this as an interrupt. 
Special - Blaze Kick - 2FI - Attack a target for 3 damage. Apply 1 burn on the target. Any burn tokens added over the limit are used as additional damage to the target. 

Blue - Ice Theme - Frost system. Direct damage abilities grant the player 1 Frost token. The player can use 2 tokens whenever they damage an enemy to place an Ice Wall in front of that target. That target has to break through the wall before being able attack normally. The player can shatter these walls to damage the target. Additional applications strengthen the first wall to a maximum of 5. Max 6 tokens on the player
Fit - Shatter - Choose a target. Shatter deals damage equal to the HP of the ice wall and 1 damage for every 2 tokens on the target. 
Int - Ice Shard- Attack a target for 1 damage. Add one Frost token. 
Social - Ice Wall - Consume 3 Frost tokens, place a 1 HP wall in front of a player. 
Blizzard - Deal a total of 5 damage to all enemies, max 2 damage per enemy. 

Green - Wind Theme - Tailwind. After a successful ability, the next ability played allows the player to untap one energy card after that ability is resolved. 
Fit - Gust - Attack a target for 1 damage.
Int - Healing Wind - Heal target for 2 health.
Social - Initiate - Increase a player's initiative by 1 until the end of their turn. Play this as an interrupt. 
Special - Tornado - Deal 2 damage to a target and tap that target. 

Teal - Sound Theme - Shockwave - All abilities gain trample. If an ability defeats an enemy the remaining damage can be transfered to the next target. -1 damage for each transfer. Cannot be transfered unless the first target is defeated. 
Fit - Power Chord - Deal 1 damage to a target. 
Int - Ballad of Encouragement - Place a +1 damage token on one of your abilities. You can only have one out at a time. This counts as an enchantment.
Social - Healing Ballad- Heal 2 damage split among any targets you choose. 
Special - Sonic Blast - 1 Fit Int  - Deal 3 damage to a target. If you choose to discard 1 card from your hand, repeat this ability a second time. 

Yellow - Lightning Theme - Charging. Successful abilities grant a charge. Whenever the player activates an ability, the player can tap 1 action energy and consume all charges to increase the ability's power by the number of charges consumed. When this ability is used charges are not gained by that ability. Max 4 charges can be held at any time. 
Fit - Charge - Gain 2 charges.
Int - Bolt - Deal 1 damage to a target. 
Social - Bolster - Consume 1 charge, increase the power of an ally's ability by 1. 
Special - Deal 3 damage to the target, Gain 2 charges. 

Pink - Heart Theme - All attacks and abilities used heal the player for 1 hp. 
Fit - Quick Attack - Attack a target for 1 damage. First Strike.
Int - Charge your happiness. Gain 1 heart token.
Social - Place a 1 HP shield on an ally. 
Special -Heart Beam - Deal 3 damage to an enemy. If the player has a Heart token, deal another 4 damage. Consume the token afterwards. 

Now on to general abilities. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Fail Post

Just a post to indicate I failed to meet my weekly goals Ended up being distracted by Pyromania and TF2 farming.

Got passives and basic abilities down for the 6 planned colors, slowly working through the special attacks. Well, gonna post those whenever those get done. Soon.